Our Story

Our Story

Christ the King (CtK) is a daughter church of The Falls Church Anglican, and is a member of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic, a regional diocese of the Anglican Church in North America. CtK began in January 2006 under the leadership of the Rev. David Glade. Initially, CtK relied heavily on The Falls Church, Anglican. But, thankfully, the church quickly became self-supporting, and in 2007, elected its first vestry, and David Glade was installed as the rector.

Sunday worship at Christ the King began at Alexandria Country Day School. Starting in 2008, Sunday services moved to 1801 N. Quaker LN. In 2022, after renting for many years, Christ the King purchased the buildings and grounds at 1801 from Convergence Community of Faith.

Outside of Sunday morning worship services, CtK maintains vibrant ministries for children, youth, women, men, and seniors. Our offerings include: small groups and Bible studies; local and international outreach and missions; and community events and concerts. 

Our Values

  • The rich tradition of Anglican worship offers a meaningful place of connection.

  • Following Jesus has never been easy. Faithfulness, now as always, requires courage.

  • We desire to know, care for, and serve those close to us.

  • Humility and gentleness are modeled by Jesus, exercised by his disciples, and needed in our world.

  • We desire to practice hospitality in our church and in our lives.

  • The Christian life is marked by joy and laughter.

Our Beliefs

We affirm our belief in historic Christianity as revealed in Scripture and summarized in three creeds. We recognize the need today for reaffirming the following beliefs:

  • The one God exists eternally in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and has so revealed Himself to us in Scripture.

  • Our Lord Jesus Christ, God incarnate and fully human, is, by reason of His birth of the Virgin Mary, sinless life, atoning death, bodily resurrection, glorious ascension, and triumphant reign, the only mediator between God and man.

  • The canonical books of the Old and New Testaments are trustworthy as "God’s Word written.” They sufficiently teach God’s will for His world, and have supreme authority for faith, life, and the continuous renewal and reform of the Church.

  • Marriage is a lifelong covenant between a man and a woman in which the two become one flesh. Marriage is an ordinance of creation, affirmed by our Lord, and commended by the apostle Paul as a sign of the mystical union between Christ and His Church.

  • The sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, ordained by Christ Himself, are outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace. When received in true faith and repentance, they are means by which we receive such grace, and they are means by which our faith is strengthened and confirmed.

  • Our Lord Jesus Christ will personally return in glory at the end of this age for the resurrection of the dead, some to life and some to condemnation, for the glorification of His Church and for the renewal of the whole creation.