Local and Global Outreach
Anglican leaders provided the following succinct definition of the church’s mission: “… To make known by word and deed the love of the crucified and risen Christ.” Christ the King’s Outreach endeavors to express Christ’s love through witness and service. We aim to share that which is true, noble, lovely, and admirable (Philippians 4:8), to strengthen our discipleship and bring new people into our community of faith. Over the years we have developed several key partnerships, listed below. Contact Jesse Perl for more information.
CtK Partners & Initiatives
One way we share the the beauty of our faith is with the arts. Christ the King hosts a free concert series so that our neighbors may encounter the divine through beautiful music. Offerings range from classical to folk and bluegrass concerts.
We began the Sojourners Ministry in 2016 as we intentionally opened our doors to "M". Like so many, M. had fled the violence of his own nation. He found a new home with us. M. has since been reunited with his family, so we have not yet expanded this ministry. Our goal is to first provide for this family and then prayerfully consider expanding this ministry to others. There are many ways to be involved.
The Carpenter’s Shelter provides shelter, guidance, education, and advocacy for homeless individuals and families in Alexandria.
CtK serve monthly meals on Friday nights and supervise the men’s Winter Shelter on Thursday nights. -
Casa Chirilagua is a ministry serving our neighbors living in Alexandria. Passionate about being Christ’s image bearers, Casa Chirilagua volunteers live with, profess the gospel to, and serve this community through youth mentorship programs, after school academic tutoring and activities, Bible studies, family-support resources, and English and Spanish literacy classes.
MaRiH Center offers compassionate, confidential emergency pregnancy services. Providing both moral and material support to women and families in need, MaRiH Center offers counseling as well as assistance with prenatal and post-birth care for mother and baby. Our church is a dedicated supporter of MaRiH, coordinating an annual “baby-bottle fundraiser” and providing volunteer support as well. See their wish-list and consider how you might join their work.
Young Life Alexandria (held at Alexandria City H.S.) is the local chapter of this nationwide youth ministry. They are two club serving the high school and the International Academy. YL’s mission is to offer a safe environment of caring adults who share the hope and truth of God’s love, build lasting friendships, and have fun! YL Alexandria hopes to expand its ministry to Alexandria middle schools. CtK provides support for “camperships” to kids for the annual summer camp, as well as contribute to the operating budget.
Serving Northern Kenya
Christ the King is dedicated to one international mission partner with whom we are deeply engaged. He serves in remote regions of northern Kenya, sharing the light of Christ with those who have not yet been reached. Previous Mission Trip: February 10-20. Each year, a small group from Christ the King visits him in Kenya. During these enriching trips, we are able to build relationships and pray with his community, encourage his challenging (and sometimes dangerous) mission work, and help spread the Gospel.
To support future mission trips through donation or prayer, contact admin.
Additionally, Pastor Glade wrote an article for The Apostle about this special partnership.
CtK holds monthly "Food Truck Tuesday" in which neighbors, friends and family are invited to join the Christ the King family on the church lawn for dinner. See our events page for the next Taco Tuesday.