Upcoming Events
Major events listed below. Click here for calendar

Ladies' Spring Retreat
Join us for our Spring retreat with Rosslyn Weigelt and Jordan Ware. The theme is "Small but Mighty: Your Part in God's Big Picture". Sign up here or in the foyer on Sunday. Make your Bittersweet Catering selection for lunch. Email Katherine with any questions, requests for scholarship help or if you want to help us host. Deadline March 16th.

Mozart Requiem
Our worship service includes a presentation of Mozart's Requiem. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors.

Marriage Workshop
A marriage workshop offering practical guidance and peer to peer learning. Topics: Maintaining Intimacy, Navigating Conflict, Open Communication. Facilitated by experienced counselors, Coulter Weaver, Elizabeth Welch and Amy Lehman. Lunch provided, child care provided, and registration required.

Men's Bike Ride
Men’s Century Bike Ride: Departing from CtK parking lot at 1 pm. Returning to CtK 24 hours later.
Contact David Glade for more information
Staying the night in Leesburg. Click here to reserve a room

Elections for Vestry
The Vestry is the lay leadership body of Christ the King, and it's 7 members serve staggered 3-year terms. Candidates for Vestry are members of CtK who are nominated by the congregation, and voted on by the congregation on April 6 after both services. To make a nomination, contact: admin@ctkalexandria.org

Rectors Book Club
The Big Sleep. The renowned novel from the crime fiction master, with the "quintessential urban private eye" (Los Angeles Times), Philip Marlowe, by Raymond Chandler (1888-1956).

Easter Lily Dedication
Dedicate a lily for our Easter service leaflets. $30 for a large lily. Contact Ann.

Ladies’ Hike
All are welcome: Fellowship while hiking and then, snacks and fellowship after.

Welcome Brunch
Join us if you are visiting or new to Christ the King for a chance to hear more about the church and community. Save the Dates for our Spring Membership Class (May 25, June 1, June 8), which prepares interested participants to join the church on June 15 when the Bishop visits.

Protecting God's Children Class
Learn to protect the children in our church as well as in our community!
Class is mandatory for any new volunteers looking to serve in our Children’s Ministry Program.
Contact Rosemary Hollingsworth for further information.

Food Truck Tuesdays
Invite your friends and neighbors to join us on the lawn for Food Truck Tuesday! It is a great time for food, fellowship and fun.

Men's Camping Trip
Men’s Century Bike Ride: Departing from CtK parking lot at 1 pm. Returning to CtK 24 hours later.
Contact David Glade for more information
Staying the night in Leesburg. Click here to reserve a room

New Wineskins Conference
New Wineskins for Global Mission conferences occur every three years. This conference is more than a global missions training conference. It has become a family reunion for mission-minded Anglicans from all over the world. The most recent conference, held in September 2022, gathered over 2,000 people from over 60 nations.
Register for the conference here. Early bird pricing ends March 31.

Ladies’ Christmas Tea
Join us for this annual event. Saturday morning, 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.

Men’s Academy
A monthly breakfast gathering for the men of the church. Meeting three times in the fall and four times in the spring, we will consider the seven deadly sins- their perils and pitfalls and the grace we have to persevere.

Litter Free Alexandria
Give a gift to our neighbors near the church and help make our city cleaner. Join other CtK members in picking up trash in our neighborhood. Bring work gloves. CtK will supply trash bags and grabber tools. Children accompanied by parents are welcome.
Questions? Contact: Eric Keber

Ladies' Lunch Bunch
All ladies are invited to join us for lunch at Ramparts, 1700 Fern Street.

Retro Ramparts Lunch
Retro Ramparts Lunch Bunch: Join other Senior parishioners for fun fellowship over lunch.

Ash Wednesday
Join us for a brief evening service with imposition of ashes on Wednesday, March 5th at 12p.m. and 7p.m.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner & Evening Prayer
Join us for a brief spoken service of Evening Prayer and to hear about our mission trips, followed by our annual pancake dinner at 6:30, a fundraiser for our youth mission trip.

ACHS Choir Concert
Come support our own Alexandria City High School's award-winning choir for an unforgettable concert and time with our neighbors.

Men's Ministry Book Discussion
A challenging and encouraging conversation on raising children of integrity, faith, and consequence through a discussion of Jon Tyson's The Intentional Father. The book is oriented toward fathers of sons between the ages of 8-17, but anyone in a position of consequence (uncle, mentor, etc.) is welcome. Thursday evenings, 7:30pm, 27 Feb - 20 Mar. Books available with registration: Register here.

Men's Academy
A monthly breakfast gathering for the men of the church. Meeting three times in the fall and four times in the spring, we will consider the seven deadly sins- their perils and pitfalls and the grace we have to persevere.

Congregational Hymn Sing
All are invited to an informal hymn sing with prayer and light discussion.
Bring an appetizer or dessert to share!

Evening Prayer on Zoom
Join us tonight as we participate in one of the foundational spiritual rhythms of the Anglican tradition: Evening Prayer. The service will last about 30 minutes and can be joined on Zoom Here.
We’ll use the 2019 Book of Common Prayer, you can follow the service via this web app, service leaflet, or if you have your own prayer book.

Men's Oyster Roast
Join the men of the church for our annual oyster roast- an opportunity for good fellowship and good food.

Mom's Gathering
Dedicated time for moms to connect, grow spiritually, and support each other in their parenting journeys.
Group meets 2nd and 4th Monday of the month.

MariH Center Bottle Drive
Each year during January we support MariH Center's work of caring for the unborn and new mothers by collecting change in baby bottles. Beginning January 5, we will have baby bottles in the foyer to take home, fill with change, and return to the church on January 26.

Litter Free Alexandria
Give a gift to our neighbors near the church and help make our city cleaner. Join other CtK members in picking up trash in our neighborhood. Bring work gloves. CtK will supply trash bags and grabber tools. Children accompanied by parents are welcome. Questions? Contact Eric Keber

Rectors Book Club
Ordinary Grace: A Novel. From New York Times bestselling author William Kent Krueger, a brilliant new novel about a young man, a small town, and murder in the summer of 1961

Ladies' Hike
Walk with us. Stay to visit over coffee and snacks.
If interested, please sign up here.

Men's Academy
A monthly breakfast gathering for the men of the church. Meeting three times in the fall and four times in the spring, we will consider the seven deadly sins- their perils and pitfalls and the grace we have to persevere.

Mom's Gathering
Dedicated time for moms to connect, grow spiritually, and support each other in their parenting journeys.
Group meets 2nd and 4th Monday of the month.

Volunteer Sign-ups
Volunteer Sign ups & Ministry Training. January 12 &19. 10:20-11:00 a.m. Recruitment and sign ups for our various volunteer ministries on January 12. Training for various ministries on January 19. Specifically, we are in need of Sunday service volunteers for 11:15: Ushers, Prayer Leaders, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, and Readers.

Welcome Brunch
Join us if you are visiting or new to Christ the King for a chance to hear more about the church and community. Save the Dates for our Spring Membership Class (May 25, June 1, June 8), which prepares interested participants to join the church on June 15 when the Bishop visits.

Christmas Caroling in Old Town
A wonderful opportunity to share the tidings of comfort and joy with our community. We provide song-books and musical leadership. All ages are welcome to join this wonderful CtK tradition.

Moms' Gathering
Dedicated time for moms to connect, grow spiritually, and support each other in their parenting journeys.
