Sundays at CtK

On Sunday mornings, we gather as a church for worship at 9:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. We praise God. We pray to Him.  We listen to Him as His word is read and proclaimed.  We receive from Him around His table. After service, we enjoy conversation over coffee, scones and muffins. Educational classes are offered most Sundays.

Previous sermons are here.

Join us online on Sunday mornings here.

Current service leaflet is here.

Seasonal Education & Formation Classes are here.

  • Every Sunday we gather as a church family for worship. We pray, we sing, we listen, we confess, and we receive from the Lord at Holy Communion.

    We have two services on Sunday morning, 9:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m.
    They are similar.
    The liturgy is the same.
    The readings are the same.
    The service length is the same, about 75 minutes.
    The musical selections are very similar.
    The musical leadership is different.
    Music at 9:00 a.m. is lead by choral groups, piano, organ and other instruments.
    Musical at 11:15 a.m. is led by piano, guitar, and other instruments.
    The service at 9:00 a.m. is more formal.
    The service at 11:15 a.m. is more fluid.

    Education and Formation is typically offered between services. Click here for more information.

  • Children are always welcome in our worship services! They are not a distraction, but an important part of the church. We also have a variety of programs for children on Sunday morning, including nursery & toddler care, and children's church through grade 3. More information about our children's ministry may be found here. Children in the fourth grade and above may serve as acolytes during our Sunday service. Contact the head of our acolyte program here. Our youth, 6th to 12th graders, worship with our congregation on Sunday morning, and our Youth Group meets on Sunday evenings. Learn more about our Youth Group here.

  • Anglicanism is a good way to follow Jesus Christ. Here are a few characteristics:
    Biblical: The Bible is God's word written. Our worship is guided by God's word. Our doctrines are based on God's word.
    Historic: Our history runs through the Reformation, back to the earliest days of the church.
    Liturgical: Anglican worship follows a liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer (2019), which is described as “scripture arranged for worship.” As conceived by Cranmer, the BCP was a guide to worship in a common language uniting “all the whole realm.” Today our liturgy accomplishes the same: Guiding us in worship and uniting us to one another.
    Global: Anglicanism is a worldwide “communion” of Christians. With 85 million members, it is the third largest Christian communion behind Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Worshipers who do not share a common culture or language can still meaningfully participate in worship, thanks to our common liturgy.
    Sacramental: Our worship is oriented around the sacraments (regular Holy Communion, occasional Baptism), with a normal Sunday service involving praise of God, prayer, hearing and responding to God’s word in scripture, and culminating in the Holy Communion.